Jennifer Naranjo is NOT a licensed medical professional. Life coaching, and the use of essential oils and crystals is designed to be complimentary to any medical services you are currently utilizing.  Please continue to see your Physicians, Specialists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and continue with any Therapeutic care. Please do not stop taking any medications unless recommended by your medical professional while under your medical professionals care. It is strongly urged that you always consult your Physician, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, or other Medical Professional for any and all conditions and concerns you have.

Life coaching does not require licensing, and is not licensed by the state of California.

Jennifer Naranjo does not diagnose, treat, or advise that any of the above mentioned modalities or services be a substitute for professional Medical, Psychological, Psychiatric, Therapeutic, or any other type of treatment, care or advice. Nothing  said, typed, printed, or produced by Jennifer Naranjo is intended or meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat a disease, or take the place of a licensed physician or other licensed professional.

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