Let’s face it, as moms we all think we have to walk the path of perfection.
We often put ourselves to the side and come last when it comes to taking care of ourselves.
None of us are perfect, and yet we can hold ourselves to nearly impossible standards, compare ourselves to others, and continuously judge ourselves in unhealthy ways that keep both mom and those we love from reaching our true potential (because we all know they are watching us more than they are listening). As moms, we truly are the first voice our children hear in their head for many years as they grow and find themselves. Our own childhood can have a profound effect on how we raise our children.
It’s time to release the judgment. And let’s face it… Sometimes, there are unhealthy cycles that need to be broken in order for both mom & child to thrive and grow.
My goal in working with moms is to help them release their fears and anxieties so they can shine so bright for themselves and their families. I focus on tools for communicating, identifying patterns that are calling for healing, and provide moms with a safe space to be human. Some mamas may have issues or challenges they are facing that may require additional help - please know that I will always refer you to a mental health professional if there are past traumas, depression or other mental health issues that are outside of my realm of expertise (it takes a village).
It time to invest in and taking care of ourselves. Not because we are being selfish, but so we can be the best version of ourselves as possible, which in turn helps our children thrive!
YOU deserve nothing less than taking care of yourself and I help you recognize your own beauty (inside & out), talents, and LOVE within you.
It is time to take the first step toward taking care of and growing YOU! I am here to help and guide you to your true, authentic self!
Let's illuminate the LOVE within you.
Here’s what you can expect:
(only if that resonates for you - please know we do not have to do this)
This is a 3-month commitment to yourself
Book your free consultation to make sure it’s a good fit for us both